Welcome to the Duwamish tribal historic and cultural preservation web page!

Cultural preservation is responsible for preserving our cultural and archaeological resources. We provide guidance and comments on SEPA/NEPA notifications and EIS statements within and around traditional Duwamish lands. Along with archaeologists we have been present when excavation or soil disturbance occurs in and around our sacred sites.

We work closely with our Tribal elders, local museums, community partners, environmental justice groups, and local governmental entities to preserve our ancestors’ knowledge and cultural resources.

To contact the cultural preservation department, please email preservationdept@duwamishtribe.org.

Please note this is a small department and we will do our best to respond as quickly as we can.

Coming soon!

Cultural Preservation is happy to announce a Native Plant Kit to help organizations on Duwamish Ancestral lands plan your space with native plants. Come back for more information!